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Interface: UseScreenshotOptions ​

Hierarchy ​

  • Options

    ↳ UseScreenshotOptions

Table of contents ​

Properties ​

Properties ​

backgroundColor ​

• Optional backgroundColor: string

A string value for the background color, any valid CSS color value.

Inherited from ​


cacheBust ​

• Optional cacheBust: boolean

Set to true to append the current time as a query string to URL requests to enable cache busting.

Inherited from ​


canvasHeight ​

• Optional canvasHeight: number

Height in pixels to be applied to canvas on export.

Inherited from ​


canvasWidth ​

• Optional canvasWidth: number

Width in pixels to be applied to canvas on export.

Inherited from ​


fetchRequestInit ​

• Optional fetchRequestInit: RequestInit

Overrides ​


fileName ​

• Optional fileName: string

filter ​

• Optional filter: (domNode: HTMLElement) => boolean

Type declaration ​

â–¸ (domNode): boolean

A function taking DOM node as argument. Should return true if passed node should be included in the output. Excluding node means excluding it's children as well.

Parameters ​
Returns ​


Inherited from ​


fontEmbedCSS ​

• Optional fontEmbedCSS: string

A CSS string to specify for font embeds. If specified only this CSS will be present in the resulting image. Use with getFontEmbedCSS() to create embed CSS for use across multiple calls to library functions.

Inherited from ​


height ​

• Optional height: number

Height in pixels to be applied to node before rendering.

Inherited from ​


imagePlaceholder ​

• Optional imagePlaceholder: string

A data URL for a placeholder image that will be used when fetching an image fails. Defaults to an empty string and will render empty areas for failed images.

Inherited from ​


includeQueryParams ​

• Optional includeQueryParams: boolean

Set false to use all URL as cache key. Default: false | undefined - which strips away the query parameters

Inherited from ​


pixelRatio ​

• Optional pixelRatio: number

The pixel ratio of captured image. Defalut is the actual pixel ratio of the device. Set 1 to use as initial-scale 1 for the image

Inherited from ​


preferredFontFormat ​

• Optional preferredFontFormat: string

The preferred font format. If specified all other font formats are ignored.

Inherited from ​


quality ​

• Optional quality: number

A number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality (e.g. 0.92 => 92%) of the JPEG image.

Inherited from ​


shouldDownload ​

• Optional shouldDownload: boolean

skipAutoScale ​

• Optional skipAutoScale: boolean

A boolean to turn off auto scaling for truly massive images..

Inherited from ​


skipFonts ​

• Optional skipFonts: boolean

Option to skip the fonts download and embed.

Inherited from ​


style ​

• Optional style: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>

An object whose properties to be copied to node's style before rendering.

Inherited from ​

type ​

• Optional type: ImageType

Overrides ​


width ​

• Optional width: number

Width in pixels to be applied to node before rendering.

Inherited from ​


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